Thursday, February 4, 2010

ain't nothing new

For the sake of blogging, I blog.

I have been postpoing updating because I don't have any pictures of the bear to share with you.

I have been thinking about some things lately though and I will share that.

I'll wait to update you on the bear until I post her 7 month blog (saturday she will be 7 months! whhhaaaatt? where has the time gone?)

I will say this, the bear has more hair on her head these days than she has ever had! Praise the Lord, it's growing!!

Thoughts (random ones, that I had to share somewhere, and facebook is not the place!):

I have decided that in life you can either find things annoying or you can find them endearing.
I think from now on, as much as possible, I will choose to find things endearing and not annoying.
(i thought this was rather smart of me, but what do I know?)

One thing that I choose NOT to find endearing is that whole doppelganger thing on facebook, where everybody is changing their profile picture to their celebrity look a likes. I think this is so friggin dumb. I did see that an old co-worker of mine changed hers to the cookie monster (shout out to and THAT i found endearing. Everyone elses for some reason really make me mad for some reason.

I am an AVID listener of The Bert Show on Q100. It is the only morning radio show where I actually get annoyed if they play a song. It is hilarious and it helps me feel less crazy and more normal because the people that call in with their "issues" are NUTS. for realsies. For example, another thing I choose NOT to find endearing, is a caller who called in about needing a way to get her "best friend" to drop out of her wedding so she wouldn't have to kick her out. Why would a bride want to kick her "best friend" out of the wedding you ask? Oh ya know, because her "best friend" is 8 months preggo and unwed and she doesn't agree with her morals and cannot have her representing her. I was LIVID listening to this caller. As you know, I am an unwed mother. Thing happen. I have morals, but everyone makes mistakes and it is not my fault that HE chose to not be a part of this wonderful little girl's life and I did. The caller kept saying that her "best friend" was irresponsible and shouldn't be bringing a baby into the world, that she should have taken "care" of the problem. Moral double standard this bride has? Yes I think so. I hate that single mothers get the blame for being irresponsible when, at least for me, I TOOK responsibility for my actions and HE didn't. He sure isn't getting any flack. buuuutttt...that's enough of that conversation.

I am so thankful for my wonderful friends and family. Thank you for loving me despite my flaws.

I am getting a pretty serious tax return (haaaaallllleeeelllujah) and soon after I get it I am going to be the proud owner of A BRAND NEW LAPTOP. can't wait. And YOU should be excited too because you know what that means? MORE BLOGGING EXCITMENT from me!

This may be THE most random post ever. and completely un-baby related. I did get some things off my chest. I feel better.

I'll leave you with what I see every night before I go to sleep. The most precious baby face there ever did was.

see her hair??


Mary Beth and Molly Grace


  1. adorable! i LOVED this post. i love to hear you get fired up like this. that is some bullshit about the burt show chick. pretty sure jesus would rather have an unwed (gasp!) mother in his wedding than a conniving bitch who goes on radio to find a way to "secretly" betray her "best friend." flaaaarg! you are my hero. seriously. i think about you doing this thing called parenting alone and my hear tjust weeps with admiration. keep it up, stud muffin!

  2. thanks for the shout out! i thought the doppelganger thing was pretty annoying too, hence the cookie monster. i figured i'd play along but in my own way. and i completely agree with you about the radio caller... totally ridiculous. your response to your "mistakes" is what defines your character, in my opinion. love the growing hair! laine is a bit of a baldy as well... bless their hearts!

  3. I love your random thoughts! And I could offer my two cents about people having double-standards, ridiculing single, unwed mothers, and Dead Beat Dads, but I always seem to get in trouble when I get up on my soap box regarding either of those three topics - much less all three at one time! You know my feelings though, so that's all that matters :). MG is A-DOR-A-BLE, and when I get some spare time, I'm going to make some hairbows for that little Bear! Yes, I've figured out how to make them and am SUPER excited :). So P.S., email me your mailing address!

  4. I love and miss you both!! Molly Grace is so beautiful!! I want to see yall soon!

  5. Oh, oh, oh! I'm officially caught up :). I'm not letting you go into hiding on me again. I've saved your new website and re-added it to my list of blogs that I follow, so now your posts will continue popping up on my Blogger page!
