Wednesday, January 20, 2010

She's growing everyday and me, I'm at a standstill

RIGHT after I blogged about Molly Grace almost crawling on Saturday night, she did just that!!!

She crawled all the way across the living room to me, or well to get her pacifier from me! I have a video of the bear crawling to me but of course I don't have my camera to upload it so that will have to come later.

She kept crawling Sunday and then Monday night while I was making her bottle, Kim called me into the living room and the little stinker had pulled herself up onto her exersaucer and was chewing on the toys attached to it! She stood there for several minutes, allowing me to capture a few pictures of her!!

standing! she pulled up on this all by herself!

loves chewing on the toys! i'm sure she'll be getting teeth anyday now!

She literally is taking off right in front of my eyes!! I can't believe she is crawling and pulling herself up already! She is definitely miss independent. She has also started babbling alot. She also likes to chew on my bracelets, well she likes to chew on EVERYTHING, but lately it seems that my bracelets have taken precedent over all the other things she shouldn't be putting in her mouth! Here are a few pictures of her with the bracelets and talking to her Mommy!

it must taste, metal.

hi mom!

mmm...whatcha say? she says...ah.

As for me, I feel that I am at a standstill. As I watch MG grow everyday, I started thinking, how am I growing? I came to the conclusion that I don't think I am. I feel so stuck right now. Nothing new really going on. Day in and day out, same old, same old. wake up, get ready, get MG ready, take her to babysitter, go to work, pick her up, come home, eat dinner, watch tv, go to bed, and the cycle repeats everyday. The only thing I changing is about a million diapers a month! Don't get me wrong, I looooove being a mommy. I love it so much. I wouldn't trade her or taking care of her for anything, I'd just like to change more than just dirty diapers.
With that being said, I had an epiphony today. I am going to create one thing everyday to accomplish, and I'm going to try daily to blog about those things. If I want change, I'm going to have to make it.

Today's goal: drink lots of water! Dr. Pepper and Sweet tea are my downfalls. Goal progress today: just took a big sip of delicious water while I type.

She definitely is growing bigger everyday, but my favorite thing about her that hasn't changed is that when she is sleepy, she lays her head on my shoulder and drifts off to sleep. I cherish those moments knowing they will soon change too. But for now, she can have my shoulder anytime she wants.

And she sleeps.

Mary Beth and Molly Grace

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