Monday, January 25, 2010

oh i love her...

Last night Kim had Molly Grace laughing SO hard and I managed to get in on video! She cracks me up. Last night, the bear also decided to go to sleep at 8:30!!!! I've been trying to get her in the bed earlier every night since I created a horrible routine of her going to bed at the same time as me, but I think she's finally getting the hang of going to bed early and without me! She even is sleeping later on the weekends, between 8:00 & 8:30 is when she is waking up, which may not sound "late" to many, but it beats 6:00 any day!

This week I am still working on drinking more water AND I'm going to try to make it outside for a walk/stroller ride with MG this week on a pretty day! (maybe today!) I'm setting reasonable goals for myself, so this week I'm just going to say one afternoon and then maybe next week I'll increase to two!


Mary Beth and Molly Grace


  1. !!!!!!!! this is the CUTEST THING EVER!

  2. I'm LOVING the video! She cracks me up, too :). I'm also loving being able to comment on your blog without having a tremendous amount of pop-ups to steer me clear (and oooh it better not do it this time and rain on my parade... hehe).

    P.S. If I went outside to take Emma for a walk this afternoon, we'd both get blown away Mary Poppins Style. It's SO windy outside! I love it, but I'd love it more if it was just a tad bit warmer :).

  3. LOVE this video. That is the cutest laugh ever, but I'm sure you already know that!! :) and look at that little bear pushing herself up!! She is taking on the world!!! love yall!! have a good week!
