Wednesday, January 13, 2010

double the birth weight, double the fun

Yesterday was Molly Grace's 6 month well check up visit was yesterday.

Here are the stats:

Weight: 16.8 pounds (65th percentile)
Height: 26 inches long (65th percentile)
(I have the head % written down, but it's in the car, she was in the 50% percentile for head circumference)

She's growing fast and normally! I'm so thankful the bear is so healthy.

Other random facts about the little one:

She loves flapping her arms up and down and throwing toys down.

She is rocking on her hands and knees and is set to take off crawling any day now.

She is always talking baby talk, (still working on getting her to say "mama"!!)
She loves blowing her lips and it so funny to watch.

She can hold her own bottle.

She HATES laying down and has made diaper changes almost impossible.

Her favorite things to chew on: mommy's iPhone, mommy's keys and mommy's remote. see the pattern? at least she is consistent.

She is eating veggies one to two meals a far she has enjoyed (really): green beans, peas, and carrots! She is eating so good.

She has started pulling up on things and she reaches for me, which I have to say, is my very favorite thing she does.

She laughs a lot and especially enjoys peek-a-boo.

Whew. Writing about everything she is doing these days is wearing me out about as much as she does!!

Here are some of the pictures I took yesterday at the'll notice my hand in the pictures holding her to make sure she doesn't try to jump off the seems these days that she thinks it funny to try to roll off everything and give me heart attacks daily.

These pictures were, of course, before the shots. Those dreadful shots. Thank goodness she only has one more in Feb. and then she won't get anymore until July (when she is ONE YEAR OLD...where has the time gone?)


Mary Beth and Molly Grace


  1. Cute pictures! Miss you gals and hope to see you soon!

  2. Hi Mary Beth! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog! It's very cool how much we have in common and I love that our girls are the same age. It will be fun keeping up with Molly Grace and watching her grow, she is an absolute doll!

  3. She is just beautiful! They're so fun to watch grow up, but I still want to freeze time most of the time and keep my Stinker little forever :).

  4. okay I'm coming out! I read your blog all the time and love it! you and molly grace are just the cutest...can we be real life friends now since I've come out? Have a great day!
