Monday, April 13, 2009

things i have learned...

I went to the doctor this morning. I actually enjoy going to the doctor which is bizarre because before I got preggers I absolutely hated going to the doctor, you can ask my parents, my sisters, friends...I'm sure they will all tell you that I truly did hate the doctor and needles. Two fears I have been able to somewhat overcome through this pregnancy.

And a little factual info on the pregnancy:

Total weight gain/loss: 16 pounds (not too bad for 26 weeks, you are supposed to gain a pound a week after 20 weeks or something like that)
Maternity clothes? Yep.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: you mean, what sleep? I have crazy pregnancy dreams, and this belly I've acquired prevents me from sleeping almost every way possible. The cure I've found: 1 Tylenol PM and LOTS of pillows (still abiding by this)
Best moment this week: hearing her heart beat for the first time in 4 weeks!
Movement: she's still moving all the time, the last few days though, i feel like she's been calmer
Food cravings: none really...i crave salad bars :)
Gender: sweet baby girl
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? almost all the way out, i wish she would just kick it out and get it over with, my belly button is still grossing me out
What I miss: wearing skinny jeans or jeans in general, regular clothes!
What I am looking forward to: July 15, 2009
Weekly Wisdom: The gestational diabetes test wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, and this got me thinking that nothing is really as bad as it seems, so I'm holdng onto this thought in regards to labor and delivery!
Milestones: nothing too special at the moment

I had the gestational diabetes test today. It really wasn't that bad. The last couple sips are kind of like ok, i'm over drinking this now, but defintitely not as bad as everyone I talked to made it out to be. The worst part was that the lady that was drawing my blood missed the vein the first time and poked me for no reason, and i HATE having blood drawn. But the second time took. The doctor's office told me they would call me if its abnormal so I'll keep you posted.

My belly measured at 25 cm today which is right on target which is good. I had good blood pressure, weight, and MG's heartrate was 130ish beats per minute, which basically means she was just chilling when we got to listen.

Easter was good! I got to see all of my family! I really do have the most amazing family EVER. I spent Friday night with Mom and Meggie, we ate dinner and shopped, had ice cream and watched a movie. I love nights like that. Saturday I drove to Rome and had lunch with Amanda (my bff from hs) and that was awesome! Saturday night I hung out with Meg and Dust! I can't wait for their wedding! Easter morning me, meg, and dusty ate breakfast together and went to church and then after church Dusty and Meg cooked lunch! We had ham, homemade mac n cheese, green beans, baked beans, rolls, tea! yum! And then i had a flat tire. Which was an ordeal, but i'm just happy I wasn't driving when it went flat! Dusty was amazing and changed the tire for me! Amy and I went to my Grandmother's for dinner and it was fun being with that side of the family!

I can't wait for her Molly Grace to get here! I got my pre-registration forms from the hospital today so Athens Regional will be expecting me in July! I think thats all for now! I'll update more later this week!



Mary Beth and Molly Grace

1 comment:

  1. Where are the belly pictures? I can't believe you went skating - ice or roller? I missed seeing you Easter - in fact I just miss you - ILYM
