Thursday, April 16, 2009

27 weeks!

What's going on with MG at 27 weeks?
Baby's lungs and immune system are maturing this week as baby prepares for his grand entrance. If he were born today he would have an 85 percent chance of surviving as his lungs are capable of breathing air (with medical assistance, of course). Other exciting developments:

Baby's done a lot of growing over the past few months. His length has more than doubled in the past 15 weeks! And that's not the only thing growing—baby's brain tissue and neurons are all developing at a rapid pace. His brain waves are now firing away just like those of a newborn baby. If baby is a he, his testes will have completely descended at this point.

Your baby now weighs in at approximately 14½ inches and just over 2 pounds, or about the size of that roast you made last time your in-laws were in town. (OK, the baby is the size of that roast you meant to cook before you decided that ordering Chinese was a much better idea.)

I love this pregnancy website, the added humor is always nice!

This afternoon I am going to look for houses with Kim and look at baby clothes and I may possibly end up at Babies R US to do a little in store registering, most of what I've done has been online through Babies R Us.

I promised belly pictures and I'll give you one. I haven't taken many but I will post a couple of pregnant Mary Beth pics even though I want to rebel against doing so.

This picture was taken about 2 weeks ago at my cousin David's engagement party, this is my aunt Deanna, isn't she pretty?

well, you got my belly shot!

I haven't heard anything from the doctor about the diabetes test so I'm assuming no news is good news!

Love always,
Mary Beth and Molly Grace


  1. oh haaaiii!
    sorry but those pictures are not good enough. although the one of you and Deanna does do a good job at showing how enormous your boobs have gotten! hahhaa. Let me know if you do end up registering at Babies R Us ok?!! love you the MOST MOST MOST!

  2. Dang I was going to mention the boob thing too- Deanna is beautiful - but she pales in comparison to you....I Love You More!!!!
