Monday, March 30, 2009

so about this survey...

so this is kinda un-pregnancy related BUT nonetheless important....i want you guys to be able to take this survey about the bedding, but i can't figure out how to create the poll with images and I KNOW it can be done. so if anyone reading this out there can help i'd love it.

in pregnancy related news...

molly grace and I are doing good. Its crazy that she weighs about 2 pounds these days! As much as I complain, I really will miss the moments that it is just me and molly grace bonding. Feeling her move is such an amazing thing. I think I'll miss it, I really do. I'm only annoyed that it seems that nobody makes affordable maternity jeans for short/small people. I can't find anything that fits and I'm SO tired of wearing leggings. ugggghhhh. BUT she is worth it.


I bought a prenatal yoga dvd today. YAY! so i'm going to be in my room doing yoga...should be funny.

I also signed up for a special delivery class at Athens Regional, where I will be delivering MGT. I'm excited. They start in May and will be four weeks. I also will have my first baby shower in May.

So here are the images for the poll right now:

Answer 1:

Answer 2

Answer 3

I think that's all for now!

mary beth and molly grace


  1. Ooh! Okay, i am glad you at least got pics up! I like number 3! its the most like you. I LOVE YOU!

  2. Mornin Glories - didn't I post a comment yesterday? I like number three too - babies like contrast - and bright colors - I Love You Girls more...
